This led me to check up on the web site of my favorite design magazine, "Abitare". Upon looking, I found that it has received a significant upgrade since the last time I visited the site, when it was basically a review of a few articles in the current edition. Much better now -
And, speaking of Cities of the Future, check out the article on the new housing projects in Shenzen, China on the Abitare site. Here is an excerpt and a link:
"The rapid development of Shenzhen and otherareas has led to massive influxes of workers from other regions,bringing about the formation of “urban villages” - low-costhousing. Here, inside the city, lie densely-clustered areas with plotratios of more than 3, formed by homes extended by formerpeasants. These are home to millions of laborers and employeesin the service industry; the high mobility of residents and lack ofurban administration in many of these urban villages have led tosevere social problems and security concerns." More...
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